When is Lakshmi Puja 2023?
Lakshmi Puja 2023 Puja Vidhi, Rituals, Date, Significance, Timings
Kojagari Lakshmi Puja is known by various names like Bengali Lakshmi Puja on Sharad Purnima. In the year 2023, Kojagari Lakshmi Puja 2023 date & time is 28 October 2023 from 10:55 PM to 11:46 PM. The duration will be 50 minutes and Purnima tithi will begin from 4:17 AM on 28 October and end at 01:53 AM on 29 October 2023.

Kojagari Lakshmi Puja 2023 Date and Time
Kojagari Lakshmi Puja is one of the most auspicious days which is known by different names in different regions. Some people call it Sharad Purnima or Bengali Lakshmi Puja due to the worship of Goddess Laxmi on Purnima day. The purnima tithi is starting from 4:17 AM on 28 October 2023 and it will end at 01:53 AM on 29 October 2023.
The Hindu god Lakshmi is the goddess of money, happiness, and success, thus many still worship her for their family’s fortune and to remove financial barriers from their life.
Happy Sharad Purnima! Laxmi Puja Vidhi
Kojagara Puja normally begins with a puja ritual in the evening, and individuals also perform jagaran rites on this day. In some regions of India, the evening is also known as Sharad Purnima. There is also a custom of storing kheer in the moonlight since the midnight hour is known as nishita kaal, which is considered an auspicious time to do puja rites. This occasion is also observed in various ways throughout Bihar and Bundelkhand.
Some people also stay vigil all night, implying that devotees must do a midnight Jagran. A Kojagara (Ko + Jagara) is someone who keeps vigil throughout the night. Devotees who do midnight jagran and then perform Lakshmi Puja receive the heavenly benediction of Goddess Lakshmi.
Rituals of Kojagari Lakshmi Puja
A variety of rituals and ceremonies are part of the Kojagara Puja event. During Kojagara Puja, devotees adore and pray to Goddess Lakshmi. The deity’s idol is installed or placed in pandals or homes. Kojagara Puja traditions vary depending on geography and religion, with the goal of receiving divine benefits.
Devotees do a Lakshmi Puja under the supervision of a priest. Offerings of narkel bhaja, taaler phol, naru, khichuri, and sweets are made to Goddess Lakshmi in order to acquire her heavenly blessings. On this day, women draw Alpana in front of their homes to represent Goddess Lakshmi’s feet. On this day, it is believed that Goddess Lakshmi visits each home.
Celebration of Kojagari Laxmi Puja
On this day, women draw Alpana in front of their homes to represent Goddess Lakshmi’s feet. On this day, Goddess Lakshmi is said to visit every home and offer her heavenly gifts of tremendous prosperity and overflowing wealth. In order to satisfy the Goddess, devotees keep watch all night and recite mantras, kirtans, and bhajans. To welcome the Goddess, devotees illuminate their houses with clay lamps and other lights.
On this day, believers also observe a fast, depriving themselves of food and beverages throughout the day. Once all the procedures have been completed and Goddess Lakshmi has been given some flattened rice and coconut water, the devotees may break their fast.
Significance of Kojagiri Puja
Celebration of Kojagari Laxmi Puja
On this day, women draw Alpana in front of their homes to represent Goddess Lakshmi’s feet. On this day, Goddess Lakshmi is said to visit every home and offer her heavenly gifts of tremendous prosperity and overflowing wealth. In order to satisfy the Goddess, devotees keep watch all night and recite mantras, kirtans, and bhajans. To welcome the Goddess, devotees illuminate their houses with clay lamps and other lights.
On this day, believers also observe a fast, depriving themselves of food and beverages throughout the day. Once all the procedures have been completed and Goddess Lakshmi has been given some flattened rice and coconut water, the devotees may break their fast.
The Purpose of Kojagara Puja
Kojagara Puja is performed to appease Goddess Lakshmi. Purnima, which occurs during the month of Ashwin, is considered by Hindus to be the “Night of Awakening,” when Maa Lakshmi is said to manifest on Earth to bestow blessings on her devotees. The god’s prosperity, wealth, and heavenly blessings are bestowed upon devotees who perform the puja ceremonies with zeal. The harvest and Kojagara celebrations coincide in the northern Indian states.
Rituals for Kojagari Lakshmi Puja 2023
The rituals for performing Kojagari Puja differ from place to place. On the auspicious day of Kojagari Puja, devotees offer prayers to Goddess Laxmi. On the day of Kojagara Puja, they fast. Devotees place the Goddess Laxmi idol on pandals or at home. Laxmi puja is performed by qualified priests. Dress the idol in a saree and ornaments. Light a diya and present a garland. Making rangoli and offering lotus flowers at the front door is considered auspicious. The main part of the ritual is reciting mantras. People use lights and lamps to illuminate their homes in the evening. Devotees break their fast at night after offering flattened rice and coconut water to the Goddess.
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