Happy Teddy Day is the fourth day of Valentine love week list. After Chocolate day comes this another special day. This Teddy Day celebrated on 10th February of each year. If you want to share Teddy Day Wishes Images Quotes, Messages 2020, you comes the right place. Because I share here some wishes Quotes Messages Images and many more.

Happy Teddy Day Date:
February 10th, 2020
Teddy Day: Monday, February 10th, 2020
Happy Teddy Day Wishes
🐻 Hi, it’s a teddy day; I need a huge teddy to hug so are you coming? You are my favourite teddy. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 May the warmth of love always be with you, and here I am sending you the teddy to keep you warm with love. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 Teddy is a stress buster, a tight hugger, no complains and demands; in case if you don’t find me, you know where to go… Your teddy. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 You are my shoulder to cry upon like earlier I had my Teddy. Hope this Teddy helps you the same way. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 You are the reason for my happiness and joy. Wishing you a very happy Teddy Day.
🐻 Sweetheart, let me be your teddy and always remain by your side. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 There is nothing more warm and secure in this world than being in your arms. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 This cute teddy is a gift from me to show you how much I love you. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 I am gifting you this teddy so that whenever you look at it you would be reminded of me. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 I really look forward to meeting you every day because of those warm hugs. Happy Teddy Day!

🐻 You are the most adorable person in this world. Happy Teddy Day, my dear!
🐻 Just like your fluffy Teddy Bear, I also want to be your friend for life and start by your side. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 When it comes to giving those awesome teddy bear hugs, no one can match you. I am lucky to have a friend like you. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 Here’s this teddy, saying I am so ready to love you, miss you and cuddle you forever. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 Sending you all my love wrapped in a bear hug. Happy teddy day my teddy bear.
🐻 Even if the sun refuses to shine, the words refuse to rhyme…You will always be my valentine. Love you sweetheart… Happy Teddy Day!!
🐻 Sending you a replica of me to hug, adore and kiss… Happy Teddy Day Baby!
🐻 You are my l’il chubby doll and I am your teddy bear!!… Miss me, baby… Happy Teddy Day!!
🐻 I may not be there to love you but I am sending this teddy to give you warm hugs… Love you!. Happy Teddy Day!!
🐻 Who said teddies aren’t real… I mean just look at you!!… You are the most adorable teddy, my love!… Happy Teddy Day!!
🐻 Baby, you are so cute and cuddly… Love you my teddy bear… Happy Teddy Day!!
🐻 On this Teddy Day, I want to tell you, you are more warm, cute and cuddly than any teddy bear… Love you!!
🐻 I was a teddy, you would have been the cutest… Love you!… Happy Teddy Day baby!
🐻 I am gifting you this teddy, to tell you that I am ready to make you forever mine. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 Your heart beats to tell you something new… It wants to say… I LOVE YOU!. Happy Teddy Day!!
🐻 Happy teddy bear day to my sweet, bubbly, cute friend. You know what you are cute like teddies and I’m serious.
🐻 Hey you, happy teddy bear day, I know you are crazy for teddies, but I didn’t tell you ever that ur my teddy bear.
🐻 People call you at fatso, but for me you my cute, bubbly, chubby teddy bear. I love you and happy teddy bear day.
🐻 Happy teddy bear day my sweetie, I love you a lot. You are the cutest girl I know and I always want to be your friend.
🐻 Wishing happy teddy bear day to a real teddy. Hope you won’t mind me saying you teddy.
🐻 No matter where I go or what I do, you are always there in my thoughts and heart. All I want to do is to take care and love you just like a soft and sweet teddy. Happy teddy day!
🐻 Teddy bears don’t need hearts as they are stuffed with love. I m your Teddy with a big heart. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 The soft cuddly teddy is there to show, I will always be there for you. This you should know. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 I am gifting you this teddy so that whenever you look at it you would miss me. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 Who said teddies aren’t real… just look at you!!… You are the most lovable teddy! Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 A cute teddy bear, to my cute friend, on this cute occasion, just to say, Happy Teddy Bear Day!

🐻 By gifting you this teddy, I want to tell you that I’m ready to be yours forever. Happy Teddy Bear Day!
🐻 Teddies are just another reason, just another way to say I care and I will be there forever. Happy Teddy Bear Day!
🐻 You know what, your hair is softer than teddy’s hair, eyes shiner and you are more adorable than a teddy, love you! Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 A lovely teddy bear for the most lovable person in my life! Happy Teddy Bear day!
🐻 Money surely can’t buy happiness, but it can buy the next best thing – a teddy bear. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 Just a message to tell you are ‘bear’y nice. Happy Teddy Bear Day!
🐻 Teddy bears may be cute, but not as cute as you! Happy Teddy Bear Day, my love!
🐻 Even if the Sun refuses to shine, the words refuse to rhyme… You will always be my Valentine. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 A cute teddy bear, to my cute mate just to say, Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 You are eternal like love, you are cute as a stuffed toy. Accept this teddy as my heart, it’s filled with my love and my joy! Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 It’s a teddy day; I need a huge teddy to hug so are you coming? You are my favourite teddy. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 You are the reason for my happiness and joy. Wishing you a very Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 On this special day, let me be your teddy and always remain by your side. Happy Teddy Day!

🐻 There is nothing warmer and secure in this world than being in your arms. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 You always live within me, laugh within me, and comfort me just like a lovely teddy. Happy teddy day!
🐻 I wish I was a teddy bear. That lay upon your bed. So, every time you cuddle it, you cuddle me instead. Happy Teddy Day!
🐻 Breathing is a sign of life, a teddy is a sign of love, and your love is a sign of my life. Happy teddy day, love!
🐻 Happy Teddy day, my big and lovable Teddy Day!
🐻 It’s a TEDDY BEAR DAY! And I ‘m thinking of someone cute and huggable that someone SPECIAL IS YOU. Happy Teddy Bear Day!
🐻 On this teddy bear day, I am sending you a teddy bear. But the bad thing is that It can’t compete with you in cuteness.
🐻 Though teddy bears do not have a heart, you still will find lovely vibes oozing out of them in heaps. Happy teddy day bae!
🐻 Even if the sun refuses to shine, the words refuse to rhyme… You will always be my valentine. Love you sweetheart… Happy Teddy Day!!
🐻 On the occasion of teddy day, I am gifting a sweet teddy bear along with cute teddy day quotes to my sweetest girlfriend ever. Happy teddy day bae!!
🐻 Breathing is sign of life, heart beating is sign of life, a teddy is sign of love, and your love is a sign of my life. Happy teddy day!
🐻 Hey, bae do you know the one thing common between you and my teddy bear? You both keep quiet whenever I yell. Jokes apart, sending you lovely teddy day quotes!
🐻 When a TOUCH could HEAL a wound When EYES could SPEAK volumes When a SMILE can confirm I M THERE Then why do we need words to say ‘I LOVE YOU.’ Happy Teddy Bear Day!
🐻 Who said teddies aren’t real… I mean just look at you!!… You are the most adorable teddy, my love! Happy Teddy Day!

Teddy Day Messages for Girlfriend
🐻 You are crazy for teddies and I know this. On this teddy day, I want to become ur teddy. Hug me, curddle me, love me.
🐻 Happy teddy bear day my sweetheart. I love you a lot and you are my favorite teddy. Trust me!
🐻 You know what, ur hairs are softer than teddy’s hair, eyes shiner than teddy, and ur cutter than a teddy, love you!
🐻 Happy teddy bear day my sweet, cute, bubbly sweetheart. I love you a lot. Be my teddy bear always.
🐻 Happy teddy bear day sweetheart. I am sending you a cute teddy as a symbol of love. Love you baby.

Teddy Day Messages for Boyfriend
🐻 The teddy I am sending is not just the teddy, but it’s me. Hug me tight and wish me a happy teddy day.
🐻 Happy teddy bear day to you my sweetheart. Like my teddy, you always make me happy. Love you!
🐻 Wish you a happy teddy bear day, always be happy and be my teddy bear for lifetime.
🐻 Happy teddy bear day to you my dear. You are cute like teddy and smart like tom cruise. I love this combination.
🐻 Lots and lots of teddies for you on this teddy bear day. Keep it safely in our going to be personal room.

Teddy Day Messages for Wife
🐻 How I can forget to wish my wife happy teddy bear day as you are cutest girl in my life.
🐻 You know there is only one person who can compete with teddy in terms of cuteness and it is you my love.
🐻 Happy teddy day, dear! Remember those days we use to celebrate the whole valentine week. I love you a lot.
🐻 Happy teddy day sweetheart, you know why I love you so much, coz you ur around I never feel sad.
🐻 Wishing cute and lovely teddy bear day to my lovely and adorable wife. I am always ready to fall in love with you.
Happy Teddy Day Images